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Thursday, August 10, 2006

Why Lieberman lost

Margaret Carlson has written the best piece I have yet seen on the CT primary and Lieberman’s failed strategy. From the Bloomberg article:

One way to read this election is that Democrats are fed up with the bipartisanship that gets the wrong things done. With the Middle East aflame, the economy slowing and the minimum wage held hostage to the wealthy getting even wealthier by cuts in the estate tax, the day of reasonable, centrist politics for most Democrats is over.

Over because the other side doesn't practice it. Over because this president who launched a war deceitfully and with insufficient planning and troops doesn't deserve it. Over because if you disagree with the president over his disaster in Iraq, you are accused of wanting to cut and run, of not supporting the troops. Over because if you disagree on cultural issues, you're called a baby killer who dishonors the traditional family.

That is exactly right – compromise means that both sides give a little. Lieberman likes to say that his bipartisanship can get things done. Unfortunately, in current political climate, he gets the wrong things done.


Blogger MikeF said...

Quite right. Joe lost sight of the goals. Bush-N-Co lost sight of the terrorists, didn't want to hear about bin Laden when he had a chance to prevent 9/11 because he was on his 5 week vacation.

Iraq is another Viet Nam and this administration won't admit it.

Our children are dying "over there" and our country isn't being asked to sacrifice anything but our soldiers lives. Bush-N-Co are not interested in conserving our oil, asking big business to minimize profits, or increasing minimum wages.

12:41 PM


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