Let's win one for the Gipper
If you live in the Commonwealth and have a working television, you have undoubtedly seen George Allen’s campaign ads. He has been all over the airwaves. As a Webb supporter, I have been waiting (and waiting) his response. Well, today I got an email from the campaign; they are getting ready to hit the airwaves and their ad is a thing of beauty. The campaign describes it thusly:
This ad introduces Virginians to Jim's exceptional record of service to our country, a record of service our opponent, George Allen, simply cannot match. What we've learned over and over again in this campaign is that when voters learn about Jim Webb, they're ready to support Jim. They realize Jim is the "soldier, scholar, leader" we need to get our country back on track. And Jim is a leader Virginians can be proud of.
And how. The ad is very crafty, extremely well done, and tactically brilliant. It plays like an endorsement from Ronald Reagan; something that should have Republican heads exploding from Bristol to the Bay. So please have a look at the next Senator from Virginia.
Actually Joe, if you like in Northern VA, you haven't. I can count them on one hand. I guess G. Allen-hole knows we're all a bunch of macacas and doesn't want to bother.
4:52 PM
Perhaps Hampton Roads is just "lucky" then...
5:11 PM
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