You know - for the kids...

Friday, December 08, 2006


I haven’t mentioned the whole Iraq Study Group thing because quite frankly, I don’t think any of it will make a difference. George Bush is too damn stubborn to substantively change our Iraq policy. He is going to do exactly what he wants, consequences be damned, because his gut is so much fucking smarter than anyone else. He is going to stay the course until his term expires; leaving the tragic, tangled mess to the poor bastard that follows him. The ISG exercise, the report recommendations, the whole lot really, is an exercise in futility. Consider this excerpt from the AP story about Bush’s reaction to the report.

"We have a classic case of circling the wagons," says a former adviser to Bush the elder. "If President Bush changes his policy in Iraq in a fundamental way, it undermines the whole premise of his presidency. I just don't believe he will ever do that."

Precisely – the war and everything else about this Presidency have been about the greater glory to Bush and his buddies. As long as the illusion of infallibility exists in W’s head, our troops will still be in Iraq. Poppy and his friends (and the rest of us as well) are just gonna have to deal with it.


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