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Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Bad versus good with pinch of Rudy!

I am not the greatest writer in the world – this I know. I write for fun. It is not my job and I don’t get paid for it. Many other people, however, make their living writing. So when I saw this inane, contradictory headline/sub-header combo on, I wanted to scream:

Bush will work with Democrats on Iraq
Veto on current Iraq spending bill now expected on Wednesday

How in the world does that make sense? If we substitute the word “fight” for “work”, then we have something that is both accurate and coherent, no? I don’t know if the writer or the editor is responsible for this bit of compositional buffoonery, but come on people, you have to at least try. And the rest of the piece reads like dictation from the desk of Karl Rove – just awful.

Michael Wolff, on the other hand, knows how to write. His Vanity Fair piece on Rudy! is terrific (Sidebar – Vanity Fair is home to some of the best writing out there today).

Crazy for Rudy
Many New York political pros believe Rudy Giuliani—former mayor, hero of 9/11, and now presidential candidate—is, quite literally, nuts. The author asks whether Giuliani's lunatic behavior could be the ultimate campaign asset.

Now that is how to lead a story. As I said, this is a really good article and funny to boot. It has also made me rethink my stance on Giuliani. If I had to pick a Republican to be our next President (perish the thought), he was my first choice. I thought he was the sanest Republican in the field. Now, I am not so sure.


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