You know - for the kids...

Thursday, May 24, 2007


Now that the Dems have caved on the war (still pissed), focus in Washington is shifting to the other big issue right now: what the hell do we do about all of these Mexicans? I am sort of an agnostic on immigration. I think there ought to be some way for folks to come here and work legally. I also think that the current state of things is pretty destructive to the lives of the undocumented, the communities they inhabit, and the economic consequences of both. The big problem here is that Mexico has a corrupt, oligarchic economic system, geared to sustaining a cadre of super wealthy on the backs of a permanent underclass. If Mexico didn’t suck so bad and people had hope of rising out of poverty, they would stay home, if for no other reason than the food is better. But we cannot fix Mexico overnight and 12 plus million of their citizens are already here – illegally to boot. So what do we do?

The bill floating through Congress is a compromise still in progress. The work rules are stupid and confusing. The number of visas was cut in half, allowing only 200,000 per year. The unions are unhappy with even that number. The nativist Tancredo Republicans complain that it does not strengthen border security enough and think anything short of deportation is akin to amnesty (I swear, sometimes it sounds like that crowd wants to boil the nation’s cooks and fruit pickers in oil). Immigrant groups are upset with the fines on the undocumented and the new visa point system’s shift to a merit/skill based architecture from one more slanted towards family reunification. The only thing bringing most of the Left onboard is the Z visa, which provides illegal aliens a legal work status. In fact, the only folks really pleased with this bill are the Chamber of Commerce Republicans; no more annoying fines for employing illegals and a ready supply of cheap labor.

So what to make of this dog’s breakfast? I am not sure one way or the other and this bill has a long way to go before it reaches a full vote. One thing I do know is that this issue is a big, fat wedge for the Republicans. The Corporatists are all for it. The social conservatives are outraged because the bill does not construct a giant fortification from California to the Gulf, including a moat full of sharks with laser beams strapped to the heads. The tension building between the two pillars of the party is beginning to boil over. Bob Novak, not a source I usually draw from, opens his piece on the Republican conundrum thusly:

Republican Sens. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Saxby Chambliss of Georgia were booed at their respective state party conventions Sunday for supporting a compromise immigration bill. Their specific sin was collaborating with the liberal lion of the Senate, Edward M. Kennedy. But behind the catcalls was Republican rage over undocumented foreigners, a sentiment GOP lawmakers must appease if they want to avoid dire consequences.

The natives are restless. They want their pound of flesh and think this compromise is a sell out. If booing two Senators is not enough to illustrate that point, I give you House Minority Leader John Boehner, speaking at a reception Wednesday:

"I promised the President today that I wouldn't say anything bad about ... this piece of shit bill," he said, according to two attendees.

No matter how this plays out, there will be a very large group of conservative voters gravely displeased with their party. Cue Nelson Muntz.


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