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Thursday, June 21, 2007

These people suck

The Justice Department was one of those areas of government that is supposed to be more or less apolitical. It would not do to have the motivations of investigators become a legal defense (“They only came after me because of my beliefs”, etc.). The Bush Administration has changed all of that.

Karen Stevens, Tovah Calderon and Teresa Kwong had a lot in common. They had good performance ratings as career lawyers in the Justice Department's civil rights division. And they were minority women transferred out of their jobs two years ago -- over the objections of their immediate supervisors -- by Bradley Schlozman, then the acting assistant attorney general for civil rights.

Schlozman ordered supervisors to tell the women that they had performance problems or that the office was overstaffed. But one lawyer, Conor Dugan, told colleagues that the recent Bush appointee had confided that his real motive was to "make room for some good Americans" [emphasis mine] in that high-impact office, according to four lawyers who said they heard the account from Dugan.

How disgusting is that? An acting AG, for Civil Rights no less, removed three competent minority women so that “some good Americans” could replace them. I swear, this Administration has zero shame but an enormous talent for irony.


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