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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Busting out the cots

Harry Reid has called the Republican’s filibuster bluff. There will be an extended debate on troop withdrawal measures in an attempt for force cloture on the bills and get an up or down vote on the floor. That’s right people, they are going to go all night. As a political junky, I have to admit that I love this shit. Reid is doing just the right thing here; highlighting the Minority’s intransigence and fealty to President Bush’s Iraq policy.

This is a brilliant strategy on two fronts. First, our Iraq policy is not popular and this debate firmly binds the obstructionists to it. Second, if cloture fails and nothing is brought to the floor, Reid can go to the public (the pissed off anti-war Left especially) and say we tried to end this thing but we just don’t have the votes. The folks on the other side of the aisle will not help us carry out the policy you, the American people, want. Instant absolution…

James Carville once said (paraphrasing here), “When your opponent is drowning, you don’t throw him a line. You throw him an anvil.” To which I say, man overboard Senator.


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