You know - for the kids...

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Get out of the closet

The Republicans are certainly having some problems with message discipline, or discipline of any sort really. First, a Florida State Representative, Bob Allen, is busted for agreeing to give a plain-clothes police officer $20 and a blowjob in a park men’s room. Allen’s excuse (and I am not kidding here) was that there were lots of black men around, including the cop, and he was intimidated into offering such services. Well OK then. I guess in his worldview, it is better to be racist than gay – go figure. Besides, everyone knows the best way to avoid a beating is to blow the guy and give him cash.

Then I saw that a Republican County Chairman in Indiana, one Glenn Murphy, is under investigation for engaging in oral sex with a sleeping recipient. The kicker in this story is that this is not the first time Mr. Murphy stands accused of sexually assaulting a sleeping victim. Creepy and weird.

There is some major league repression going on in the GOP.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

and they start them off early :)

2:35 PM


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