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Friday, October 19, 2007

Today’s required reading

Kagro X has a brilliant post up at DailyKos regarding the Mukasey confirmation hearing yesterday and the consequences the Administration’s illegal detainment and torture policies.

It is similarly unfathomable -- or once was unfathomable in America -- that a nominee for Attorney General of the United States would ever have to say anything other than "no" to the question of "Is waterboarding constitutional?"

George W. Bush's detainee policies have, quite simply, rendered honest and conscientious service as an Attorney General impossible. One simply cannot serve both this president and the law faithfully. It is a paradox and an impossibility, because this president does not serve the law faithfully. And what it means, at bottom, is that George W. Bush's "administration" is an enemy of the rule of law, and has so diminished our capacity to live by it that no honest Senator should permit him the charade of attending to it with the window dressing of confirming an Attorney General.

Word. And how sad it is that this is indeed the situation in which we find ourselves.


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