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Monday, October 29, 2007

You expected something different?

Michael Abramowitz has a piece in the Post today titled:

U.S. Promises on Darfur Don't Match Actions
Bush Expresses Passion for Issue, but Policies Have Been Inconsistent

Um, no shit (see New Orleans) and, as with everything else it seems, it is all about Iraq, oil, and Bush's blundering foreign policy. Basically, the US cannot be seen as invading a third Muslim country. In that part of the world, wisdom is short, memories are long, and the word “Crusade” is on the tip of many tongues. Invading Sudan is begging for more trouble. Furthermore, we no longer have the soldiers for another deployment. That ship sailed about the same time as the surge began so the military option is off the table. And what of economic sanctions you might say? Well, trying to undermine Sudan economically (read petroleum) will piss off China. China buys a huge amount of oil from Sudan and that oil is powering the Chinese economy; anything that Beijing sees as a threat to its economic growth, it also sees as a threat to national security. So in the end, Bush may give Darfur some lip service but the Administration lacks the will and the soldiers to do anything about it.


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