You know - for the kids...

Friday, November 16, 2007

Well that was horrible

I tried to watch the debate last night but I confess the idiocy of the thing left much to be desired. Once again, everyone not named Clinton, Edwards, or Obama got the cold shoulder. The first fifteen minutes reminded me of a fight between third graders. I swear that at one point, John Edwards said “ I know you are but what am I”. Moreover, Blitzer seemed more interested on goading the participants into a pissing match rather than, you know, moderating an actual debate. That was bad enough but then Hillary was asked that ridiculous “diamonds or pearls” question. I mean really, can we please avoid asking the first credible female candidate frivolous questions on her favorite kind of jewelry? That is fine for the Harper’s interview but totally inappropriate for a Presidential debate.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is nothing but yet another reason to attack and smear Hillary. I actually thought it was a pretty valid question.

1:26 AM

Blogger joestrummerlives said...

Sorry to disappoint you but my comments in no way disparage Senator Clinton. In fact, I was pointing out how stupid, pointless, and a little misogynistic, the question was rather than anything Hillary said in response to it. I thought that was self-evident in the post. To be sure, I want no part of Hillary winning the nomination but she should not be forced to endure such petty, trivial questions. They serve to belittle her and demean the process. That is the kind of bullshit you get from Fox. I expect better from CNN.

11:45 AM


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