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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Obstructionism and wuss-dom in the Senate

In a previous post, I noted that the House had passed a not awful Energy bill that contained some fairly modest yet much needed conservation measures as well as killing some subsidies to Big Oil. And really, why in the hell does Big Oil need government largesse when the industry is posting record profits? Yet another example of just how corrupt our system has become but that is a topic for another post. Anyway, the Republicans, ever vigilant in defense of the corporate masters, refused to allow a vote on the bill until the subsidies, tax breaks essentially, were restored. Predictably, the Democrats caved on the subsidies, fearing the mighty veto pen of the Decider. So on the one hand, we get a bill passed that will do some good. On the other, the Dem leadership, after yet another capitulation, looks weak and timid. Good on the policy, bad on the politics – all together, I call it a wash.


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