You know - for the kids...

Thursday, June 05, 2008

That is called knowing your base

Josh Marshall posted this over at TPM and I cribbed it shamelessly and in its entirety.

Golf We Can Believe In
After McCain's Tuesday night prebuttal speech trainwreck I was afraid he might keep going with no discernible message and just a lot of imagery and themes stressing age, being part of yesterday and generally being completely out of touch. But boy was I wrong. Here's a screen capture of the front page of McCain's website as of 3:55 PM this afternoon with the four tabs across the top apparently signaling McCain's top four agenda items ...

The Obama campaign needs to keep this in their back pocket when the charges of “elitism” pop up (which they most assuredly will BTW). And for those interested, I understand that the McCain 2008 themed Polo uniforms will be available some time next week.


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