You know - for the kids...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Today’s required reading

Matt Taibbi digs into John McCain’s conversion from a maverick “into just another liberal-bashing fearmonger” and how that will influence the tenor of our nation's political debate. What he finds is not pretty.

In the present day, it is George Bush who got us into this new Vietnam-like mess and revived the specter of tortured prisoners, but McCain's anger isn't focused in that direction. He's not mad that it's happening again, not looking to blame the people who actually started the fire. Instead he seems re-energized by the fact that we are all back in that same hell, back to living the PTSD-inducing nightmare that McCain himself never got to leave — and if it takes dumbing down his act and playing to the Rush and Hannity crowd to give his story a happy ending this time around, he won't hesitate. So if you thought Hillary was bad, buckle your seat belts: The really dumb stuff is just beginning.

This is gonna be one ugly campaign.


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