So after Johnny Drama (a moniker I am lifting shamelessly from John Cole at Balloon Juice) “suspends” his campaign to rescue the bailout bill and sets himself up as the Messiah of the Republic, how bad does it look that McCain could not even persuade his party’s House members to back the legislation? The answer of course is really, really bad. Especially for a guy that brags endlessly and pedantically about his ability to work across party lines. One would think such an awesome bipartisan legislator would be more effective in bringing along his own team.
As a totally unbiased observer (just kidding, J. has taken to shouting out O-bam-a, O-bam-a randomly and at high volume), I want the individual that dreamed up this truly excellent scheme to be promoted. And if this line of attack is McCain’s, well, that just speaks to how well and truly fucked we would be if he won.
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