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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Yet another failure

North Korea has booted nuclear (or nukular if you must) inspectors and has pledged to the restart their plutonium processing. This is quite obviously a Very Bad Thing in and of itself but I think it sets a rather damning milestone for the Bush Presidency. That agreement with North Korea (to shudder their nuclear program) was the last, and I mean dead last, Administration effort that I could count as a success. If there exists another achievement on which Bush could defend his utterly disastrous term in office, then I must plead ignorance.

His record of failure is singular in its depth and breadth; economy – Great Depression fail, Iraq and Afghanistan –improving fail and getting worse fail; energy – expensive fail, National Security – 9/11 fail, and general governing competence – Katrina fail. Simply stunning...

Once again, Worst. President. Ever.


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