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Friday, April 03, 2009

Love this

From the AP:

Michelle Obama has done what few others have managed — getting Queen Elizabeth II to break protocol.

The first lady arrived Wednesday with President Barack Obama. After separate meetings on the eve of the G-20 summit, the couple attended an evening reception for world leaders hosted by the queen.

Mrs. Obama clearly made an impression with the 82-year-old monarch — so much that the smiling queen strayed from protocol and put her arm around the first lady in a rare public show of affection.

It was the first time Mrs. Obama — who is nearly a foot taller — had met the queen. The first lady also embraced her.

A Buckingham Palace spokesman who asked not to be identified because of palace policy said he could not remember the last time that the queen had displayed such public affection with a first lady or dignitary.

I love the Queen because she seems so utterly unflappable. Seriously, she has been at that job 24-7 for 57 years and is always spot on, like some great veteran actress who not only never misses a cue but always has the line when the less experienced cast members get lost. That Michelle Obama could charm Her Majesty off her game is a testiment to the First Lady’s charisma but I gotta say, I found the Queen’s warmth quite endearing and pretty damn cool.


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