You know - for the kids...

Friday, April 28, 2006

Got any faith-based hookers?

At first, this story seemed too unlikely to be believed, but great Caesar’s ghost, it seems to true. For the past few days, the blogosphere has been talking up the fallout of the former Rep. Duke Cunningham (Republican - CA) bribery scandal. Mitch Wade and Brent Wilkes were partners in MZM, a defense contracting software firm. Wade pleaded guilty to bribing Cunningham and has been cooperating with the FBI's ongoing investigation. And Wade is singing.

Via ThinkProgress, it now appears that Wilkes, under suspicion of bribery himself, has been operating a D.C. prostitution ring servicing both elected and high level political appointees for the past 15 years. Dean Calbreath of the San Diego Union Tribune has been reporting the Cunningham story from the start. Last night on Scarborough Country, he revealed that as many as 6 more Congressmen will be implicated. Calbreath stated that Wilkes had arranged for a limo service to take the hookers to the Westin and Watergate hotels. Wow -The Watergate!!!!!! It is hard for me to believe that anyone could be that stupid but there you have it. If you are a politician and you are fucking hookers provided by the defense contractor that is bribing you, you would think at least not to use the Watergate. The irony should have killed them on the spot. These peoples' corruption and sheer idiocy know no bounds. They can't even spell Ethics.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Probably the same 'gentlemen' who are a)founding members of the the Family Values/Defense of Marriage crusade and b)advocates of abstinence over condom distribution/education. Amazing!

And on a related subject, when are we going to get over our puritanical hang-ups and legalize prostitution? As Carlin says, sex is legal, selling is legal, why isn't selling sex legal? Beats me. At least if it was legal, all those fools in Washington would only be guilty of a little philandering-and surely that's not an impeachable offense. Oh, wait...

2:50 PM


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