You know - for the kids...

Thursday, August 03, 2006

More fun with the minimum wage bill

Do you want to know how an increase to the minimum wage becomes a pay cut? Easy; you write a bill that boosts the wage floor while overriding local wages standards for those individuals that collect tips. Some states have passed legislation that requires workers that get tips to be paid the full local minimum ($5.15 or better) regardless of the amount of tips collected. In most locals however, the minimum is $2.13 per hour with tips closing the wage gap to the mandated $5.15. Essentially, millions of hardworking waiters, bartenders, etc. stand to get a pay cut of $3 an hour should this horrendous bill pass. Way to take care of the little guy. As someone that has held damn near every job you can have in a restaurant, I take this kind of personally. L. and I have a theory that everyone in the country ought to be forced to wait tables or cook for a year. That alone would improve your average diner’s behavior and appreciation for just how hard those jobs can be. As I have said before and I will say again: You never, ever fuck with the people that serve you your food.

If I were a Congressman that supports this bill, I would be very careful about where I choose to dine out.


Blogger Lo said...

Amen, husband.

1:31 PM


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