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Thursday, September 14, 2006

Queen Ann the Magnificent

We lost a great one yesterday. Former Texas Governor Ann Richards succumbed to cancer at the age of 73. Gov. Richards has always been a favorite of mine. She was a tougher than shoe leather Texas populist with a wicked wit and sharp tongue. She would back down to no one when she thought she was right. Her success in the rough and tumble boys clubs that is Texas politics is a testament to her willingness to do right by doing good. Richards had enormous energy, boundless compassion, and a talent for finding a way to make things work. She worked her ass off her entire adult life trying to improve the lot of the least fortunate in society, whether as a teacher or politician, and she never, ever quit. But the thing I loved most about Richards was her sense of humor. This was one very funny lady who always had a quick one-liner at the ready. So rather than eulogize her any further, I will leave you with a few of my favorite quotes from her.

On George H. W. Bush at the 1998 Democratic Convention:

“Poor George, he can't help it...He was born with a silver foot in his mouth.”

On learning lessons:

“I have always had the feeling I could do anything and my dad told me I could. I was in college before I found out he might be wrong.”

On life:

“There is a lot more to this life than just the struggle to make money.”

On education:

“I have a real soft spot in my heart for librarians and people who care about books.”

And the coup de gras, on being a Good Republican.

You done good Ann. You have earned your rest.


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