You know - for the kids...

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Back from the dead

For the life of me, I cannot understand why the Senate GOP has returned Trent Lott to a leadership position. The guy was summarily stripped of the Majority leader job because he lamented the loss of Strom Thurmond’s Dixiecrat run for the Presidency. By all rights, his leadership career was OVER. That was a mere two years ago. Did Lott go through some re-education program that enlightened his views on issues of race or perform some act of redemption that I am unaware of?

I guess after getting their asses handed to them in the election, the GOP is saying "fuck it – we are never going to get the African-American vote so why even bother". Whoever is in charge of Republican minority outreach now has the most Sisyphean job in politics.


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