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Thursday, November 02, 2006

It is the General’s fault

Rep. John Boehner went on Blitzer’s show yesterday and stated that we should not blame Rumsfeld for the chaos in Iraq because it was the Generals that are in charge. The sheer chutzpah of Boehner’s comments seemed to catch Wolf off guard for a moment. The blank, wide-eyed expression on the Beard’s face plainly screamed “what the hell are you talking about”…

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- House Majority Leader John Boehner's call for critics to lay off Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld because the generals are responsible for the conduct of the war in Iraq has sparked outrage among Democrats.

In an interview Wednesday on CNN, Boehner said, "Let's not blame what's happening in Iraq on Rumsfeld."

CNN's Wolf Blitzer replied, "But he's in charge of the military."

"The fact is, the generals on the ground are in charge, and he works closely with them and the president," Boehner, an Ohio Republican, said.

Oh, I see. The Generals are running the show. You know, silly me for thinking that the military serves at the discretion of the civilian leadership as it has for the previous 200 plus year existence of these here United States. Boehner is, of course, full of shit but in the Bush cult of personality, the Dear Leader and his able lieutenants are infallible. If anyone in the Administration is held accountable for anything, the world will spin off its axis or something.

Look, if I tell someone to bake a cake but give them a bad recipe, half the ingredients, and a broken oven, that cake is going to suck. There are certain requirements for baking a good cake that are not being fulfilled. So, is it my fault for making unrealistic demands or is it the baker’s fault for failing to execute under impossible circumstances?

It was Rumsfeld’s plan and his failure. Boehner tried to provide cover for the SecDef and used the troops as the excuse. The fact that he had the balls to blame Iraq on the soldiers is just astonishing. I think Wolf was stunned that the self-righteous weasel would go that far. In politics, troops in the field are sacred and never, ever overtly blamed for the failure of a war plan. Boehner, asshole that he is, crossed that line.

Now, it will be interesting to see if Boehner’s remarks generate the equivalent firestorm as John Kerry’s dumb statement? FWIW – I doubt it. Because it does not count if you are a Republican.


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