You know - for the kids...

Sunday, January 14, 2007

How are you going to fix my problem?

Our very manly President has become decidedly more pansiesque of late, no? First there was the look of mortal terror on his face when he delivered his rallying call for Operation Doing the Same Thing, Only More of It. Good Lord, the man looked like he was going to pee his pants. To channel my inner Molly Ivins, he looked more anxious than a ten tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Bush’s legacy will be defined by the result of his, and by extension the nation’s, catastrophic foreign policy. This is a knot that is going to take generations of money and blood to unwind.

Bush bet that he could transform the Middle East into an egalitarian, democratic society. He believed that with the force of American military power behind him, George Bush thought he could be the George Washington of the Fertile Crescent. That he lost his bet is only now, I think, starting to sink in that thick skull of his.

I think he has finally realized just how badly he fucked up. He has acted his way through the job. Aided by some very able directors and stagehands, a bumbling incompetent is transformed into the facsimile of a tough minded visionary cum statesman. Every charlatan or con-man’s biggest fear is getting exposed as what they really are. That is what is scaring Bush. He has been found out. He knows it. He doesn’t know what to do next.

So in the time honored tradition of frustrated four year olds everywhere, he is basically saying, “if you’re a so smart, you fix it”. I wish I were kidding.

President Bush on Saturday challenged lawmakers skeptical of his new Iraq plan to propose their own strategy for stopping the violence in Baghdad.

"To oppose everything while proposing nothing is irresponsible," Bush said.

Irresponsible? WTF? By everything, I guess he means anything that leaves our troops in the middle of a civil war. Because I distinctly recall that the default position for most Democrats can be summarized by “let’s get the hell out, sooner rather than later”. That is our proposition. It is pretty simple but surely not nothing. Bush does not like though because it admitting that he lost the war. It is the option he will not stomach. His ego cannot handle that, so the casting about for others to fix his mess continues.


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