You know - for the kids...

Thursday, January 04, 2007


In a much publicized bit o’ bigotry, the Commonwealth’s own Rep. Virgil Goode made some controversial remarks regarding immigration, incoming freshman Muslim Keith Ellison (D-MN) and his determination to take the Oath on the Koran, and the notion of separation of Church and State. He then went on to defend these most indefensible statements. It really was a trifecta of batshit cracker philosophy. Most of the non-knuckle dragging population pounced on Goode and his comments, delivering a well deserved rhetorical tar and feathering.

But Mr. Ellison has landed the absolute knockout blow with sly wit and a brilliant turnabout. This morning, Ellison took his oath and he did indeed swear on a Koran. It was a special one borrowed from the National Archive; special because it came from the personal library of Founding Father and Patron Saint of Virginia, Thomas Jefferson. The fact that Goode represents Jefferson’s birthplace is nothing short of deliciously ironic. TJ himself must have had a good laugh from the Monticello in the sky. Mr. Goode has not been available for comment.

Game, set and match to Keith Ellison!


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