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Thursday, March 08, 2007

The Dems unveil their Iraq pullout plan

Pelosi et al have added language to the $100 billion war appropriation bill that would require withdraw by fall of 2008. The idea is to pass this legislation on to the White House and force W to either accept the timetable or veto (ie. cut off) the funding for the war. It is, at the very least, a high-risk maneuver. First, the Party is split on what to do about the war. The ‘Get Out Now’ caucus numbers less than 100 members and a good many of the more conservative Dems will not vote for the legislation. With passage of the bill by no means guaranteed, Pelosi’s gamble could turn into an embarrassing defeat. Second, if the bill does pass, expect the R’s mantra of ‘the Democrats don’t support the troops’ to go into overdrive. In the wake of the Walter Reed scandal that may ring hollow to many people but who knows.

At any rate, it is good to see our side drawing a line in the sand. Bush has screwed this war up so badly that it is irretrievable. Pretty much any effort to extricate our troops from this mess should be applauded. Let’s see how it plays out.


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