What do you mean it’s not cool to call a guy a faggot?
Arch-conservabitch and world champion outrage harpie Ann Coulter has once again proven herself incapable of speaking without malice or hate. This time, it was at the Conservative Political Action Committee shindig. From CBS News:
"I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word "faggot."
The slur against gay people earned Coulter cheers in a young, standing-room only crow[d] at Friday's American Conservative Union meeting.
Now we know that Coulter is an evil wench – that almost goes without saying. I say almost because I really enjoy calling her names. That is childish, sure, but oh so much fun. Anyway, Coulter is a known quantity. She has made a career of slinging mud and I expect this kind of thing from her. What I find more interesting is that, per the article, the crowd cheered her on for it. These people love that shit. They revel in ridiculing that which they do not understand or otherwise dislike. Was calling John Edwards a faggot any different than, say, calling Obama a nigger? Would these assholes still have thought that worthy of a chuckle? Probably and that my friends, represents a whole lot of what is wrong with modern, “conservative” values…
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