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Friday, March 30, 2007

This is why the UN is mostly useless

First, the UNHRC cannot sack up and call a spade a spade. Seriously, there are few more objectionable regimes on the planet than that of Sudan. These motherfuckers are complicit in, if not outright guilty of, the deaths of thousands of innocents. One would think the Human Rights Commision would recognize that but, alas, one would be wrong.

GENEVA - The U.N. Human Rights Council expressed concern over the situation in Darfur on Friday, but stopped short of criticizing Sudan's government.

The compromise resolution passed by consensus without a vote after Germany agreed to remove any mention of holding Khartoum responsible for the "armed attacks on civilian population and humanitarian workers, widespread destruction of villages, and continued and widespread violence."

Then we have the ongoing hostage situation in Iran. The UN’s flaccid response to the ambush and capture of the British forces in Iraqi waters has been pathetic.

However, two sets of U.N. sanctions have done little to sway Iran to comply with international demands over its nuclear program. And the country's trade partners on the UN Security Council UNIN— Russia and China — have consistently used their veto power to soften tougher measures favored by the United States and Britain.

Divisions bogged down negotiations Thursday over a Security Council statement on the captured Britons. In the end, the council expressed "grave concern" over the crisis, a statement that fell short of condemning Iran's actions.

Grave concern?!?!?!?! Are you kidding me? What is next - harsh language? Iran must be terrified…


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