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Thursday, May 10, 2007

Throwing down the gauntlet, scared to death edition

Fearing for GOP’s future in the coming election, a group of Republican lawmakers met with the President this week and told him he has only a few months to show progress on Iraq or face abandonment of his policy by Congress.

I suppose someone had to pierce the bad news force field that protects the Commander Guy from reality but the cynic in me sees a bunch of craven weasels more concerned with their political lives than the actual lives of the soldiers they helped to put in harm’s way. It sees the same people that claimed timetables would embolden our enemies in Iraq, setting a timetable for their own selfish benefit. Lastly, it sees pure desperation on the part of the war’s supporters. Read the article, you can almost taste the dread gripping Virginia’s own Tom Davis. Instead of doing the right thing and pressing Bush to get out now, these schmucks are going to sacrifice a few hundred more soldiers to cover their own asses.

God, these people suck.


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