You know - for the kids...

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


It takes a special kind on stupid to quote Nathan Bedford Forrest, a Confederate General and one of the founders of the KKK, on the floor of the US House. To categorize it as wildly inappropriate is a bit of an understatement. To my mind, it is akin to quoting Hitler at a JCC meeting. That, however, did not stop Texas Republican (of course) Rep. Ted Poe.

On Monday, Rep. Ted Poe took to the House floor to discuss foreign policy matters. To make a point, the Texas Republican invoked the words of Civil War Confederate Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest: “Git thar fustest with the mostest.”

As the Carpetbagger points out, Americans routinely identify Forrest as one of the worst people in our history. And people wonder why the GOP has a hard time garnering support in the African American community…


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