You know - for the kids...

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

One day at a time

I am on my third day without a cigarette and so far, no corpses. That may seem like a minor accomplishment to most but work has been dreadful this week and I could kill a blood relative for a smoke right now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't give in Stephen!

It gets better. The first metabolites of tobacco are clearing your system right now. It will be the worst over this next day or so. (Nicotine breaks down in 24 hours, the longest lasting metabolites stick around a few days longer). It will gradually get better, in 2 weeks your system will be completely clear of all nicotine and all that will remain is the psychological habit.

It might help NOT to do something of the things that you used to do smoking, like...go out to the same old bar or sit on your porch with beers just for a little while. You need to break that association and it will be easier if the physical craving isn't an issue.

Sara, 2 months free and LOVING it. You will run better, hangovers are a ton easier, and you will see things differently, I promise.

email me if you need to chat

1:05 PM

Blogger joestrummerlives said...

Two months - congratulations! You are my hero.

1:20 PM

Blogger starpower said...

You can do it, Joe! (And, congrats, Sara! Thanks for your comment on my blog, btw:)

Sara's so right about the hangovers being MUCH better. Sadly, that was my motivation to quit. It made a huge difference--in all parts of my life.

We're pulling for you! :)

8:01 PM


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