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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Sick and shameful

Dinesh D’Souza, neo-con schmuck and Bush sycophant, waxes pathetic today, lamenting the lack of terrorism within the United States, calling it the President’s “political undoing”. Wow. D’Souza and his bloodthirsty brethren would call my opposition to the war unpatriotic. Well I say his pining for mayhem and mass death in service to a President and not his country is treasonous. The American Heritage Dictionary defines treason thusly:

Violation of allegiance toward one's country or sovereign, especially the betrayal of one's country by waging war against it or by consciously and purposely acting to aid its enemies.

Sounds pretty close, no? George Bush merely presides over this country; and does it poorly. His political undoing was of his own making, born of arrogance and incompetence. But the flatters cannot say this in public; instead they write twaddle like this:

The real difference, I think, is that during World War 2 there was a national consensus in America that this war will not end until Germany and Japan are totally defeated.

No moron, the real difference was that the US had allies, capable leadership, and a victory five years after the war started. For better or worse, America does not like losers. Bush is a loser and that was his political undoing. Bitching and moaning that because he is so good at his job, no one else is dead plainly overlooks the sacrifice our soldiers make every day. Americans, except for the nuts like yourself, don’t like to see other people killed – whether they be Americans or not, in uniform or not. This Administration is a reckless failure; another terrorist attack on our soil would make it that much more so. Wishing to resurrect it with the blood of more innocents is grotesque; shame on you for suggesting otherwise.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my god. Does he even realize what he's saying?

9:18 PM


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