You know - for the kids...

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Newt says “Send me your money”

Newt Gingrich has announced that he will get into the Presidential race if his supporters pledge $30 million by November.

Translation: I am way too lazy to actually campaign and raise money like a real candidate, but if you people beat a path for me, I will be gracious enough to lead you down it.

I don’t know about you but that reminds me of the classic Oral Roberts con in which he told his congregation that unless he raised 8 million bucks in one month, God would strike him down. Roberts ended up collecting over $9 million.

In that spirit, please enjoy “Send me your money” by Suicidal Tendancies. Sacrilicious!


Blogger starpower said...

So what if he collects only $20 million and decides it's not enough to run? Does he give the money back? $15 back to Delores in Sioux City, $125 back to John in Lincoln, $45 to the other John in Lincoln, etc? Where do the donations go if he doesn't use them to run?

6:19 PM

Blogger joestrummerlives said...

For the record, Newt is only asking for pledges not actual dollars right now. Now, for the sake of argument, let us say that he collects some money on the premise that he will run. Then, he backs out. In that circumstance, Newt would be obliged to return those funds to the entities that donated. If people just give money to Newt for some less explicit purpose (I can’t imagine one doing so but whatever), then the rules change depending on how the money was collected, who it went to (Newt’s PAC, his declared campaign), etc. There are many people better versed in campaign finance than myself but that is my understanding.

12:35 PM


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