You know - for the kids...

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

When scorn turns into pity

While I enjoy mocking Brittany Spears as much (probably more) than the next person, I feel horrible for the girl right now. Her parenting skills, public image, and relationship with her mother are a mess, the career has been reduced to flaming wreckage (the VMA thing was just awful), the drink and drugs, then rehab and the head shaving incident, and now the kids have been placed in the custody of K-Fed. And don’t get me wrong, much of this was her own doing but, Jesus, how bad does it have to be for him to be judged the more suitable parent? I hope, for the kids’ sake as well as her own, that she has people that are looking out for her and that she can get her head straight. She seems to be following the same life trajectory as Elvis and I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

and she is just acting like an ass.

10:34 PM


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