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Thursday, November 01, 2007

Immovable, not inevitable

Gail Collins has a great column today, giving her view on Hillary’s debate performance, which FWIW, is pretty close to mine.

What the debate did demonstrate was that the others deserve more time to make their case. Hillary might have looked immovable on that stage, but she sure didn’t look inevitable.

There are still two months before the first primaries, contests that as we all know only involve a tiny, tiny number of very, very special voters. (On behalf of the rest of the country, let me suggest that presidential candidates refrain from ending their rallies by saying: “We need your support! If you know anyone in Iowa or New Hampshire”) Most of the nation has at least until next February to think about this, and Hillary really hasn’t sealed the deal.

But you do have to give her a few points for not letting the guys push her around.

Clinton may be tough enough to win the Primary but boy, she is carting some baggage into the General. I hope someone (Dodd? Edwards?) makes her work for it.


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