You know - for the kids...

Friday, January 11, 2008

All hat, no cattle

So President Dumbass predicts that Israel and the Palestinians will strike a peace deal within the year. That is beyond stupid. He is a lame duck and has done next to nothing in the past seven years to forward serious negotiations, Olmert is deeply unpopular in Israel, and half of Palestine is ruled by Hamas. And despite all of this, Chimpy McHalfwit is going to solve the thorniest foreign policy issue in the Middle East and maybe the world by the force of his clueless optimism and steely yet utterly vacuous will. Just kill me now. Given Bush’s capacity, and some would say propensity, TO ALWAYS FUCK UP EVERYTHING, this peace initiative may well end in a bloodbath. Worst. President. Ever.


Blogger Ben Sima said...

Okay, Bush sucks, we get it. But who should replace him? I'd love to hear your full opinion in another post. Let me know. I'm subscribed.

12:02 AM

Blogger joestrummerlives said...

I am still mulling that one over but Edwards, Obama, or Clinton would be far superior to what we have now.

1:38 PM


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