You know - for the kids...

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Today’s required reading

E. J. Dionne has a fantastic piece in the WaPo today, in which he calls out the conservative hypocrites that demand, on the one hand, laissez-faire economic policy from the government while on the other, insisting that the Fed bail out institutions like Bears Stearns.

But in the enthusiasm for deregulation that took root in the late 1970s, flowered in the Reagan era and reached its apogee in the second Bush years, we forgot the lesson that government needs to keep a careful watch on what capitalists do. Of course, some deregulation can be salutary, and the market system is, on balance, a wondrous instrument -- when it works. But the free market is just that: an instrument, not a principle.

In 1996, back when he was a Republican senator from Maine, William Cohen told me: "We have been saying for so long that government is the enemy. Government is the enemy until you need a friend."

So now the bailouts begin, and Wall Street usefully might feel a bit of gratitude, perhaps by being willing to have the wealthy foot some of the bill or to acknowledge that while its denizens were getting rich, a lot of Americans were losing jobs and health insurance. I'm waiting.

That could be a long wait indeed.


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