You know - for the kids...

Sunday, May 18, 2008

There are problems and then there are PROBLEMS

From the AFP:

NAPLES, Italy (AFP) - Residents of Naples, fed up with the stench from months of uncollected rubbish, on Sunday used the waste to barricade streets in protest at the long-running crisis.

For days running, residents of the southern Italian city have set scores of stinking rubbish heaps alight, some throwing stones at firefighters called out to deal with the blazes, often under police escort.


Some 6,000 tonnes of household rubbish litter the streets of the city, and another 50,000 tonnes line the roads of the Campania region surrounding Naples, according to the latest figures, a product of the dysfunctional waste collection system.

I shudder to think what this must smell like now and with the heat of the summer coming, well, you get the picture.


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