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Friday, June 06, 2008

Virginia’s 2nd could get interesting

I have to admit that I have a bit more personal bias in this race than most because I went to school with Glenn Nye, the Democratic candidate. Though I haven’t seen him in years, I remember him to be a great guy, always pleasant and decent to everyone. That he spent the intervening years trying to save the world, one development project at a time in some really nasty spots, tells me he is enormously qualified to replace reactionary conservative Thelma Drake. And it looks like the district might be getting that message too.

“Glenn Nye is a unique fit for a unique district in a year of change and this change shows that even political pundits in Washington are recognizing this,” said Rick Fromberg, Nye’s campaign manager. “Glenn Nye is an independent problem solver who will work for solutions to the challenges we face and provide real leadership to change the partisanship and bickering in Washington.”

The demographics of the district and other races in November also factor heavily into the change. “Obama's position at the top of the ticket is likely to increase this percentage substantially,” Wasserman wrote. “Throw in popular Democratic Senate nominee Mark Warner's position directly above Nye on the ballot, and this race becomes an even more plausible GOP trouble spot.” (Cook Political Report, 6/5/08)

In 2008, we have great shot at turning Virginia blue.


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