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Monday, July 14, 2008

Operation “Ruin Everything” proceeding apace

Having successfully destroyed the nation’s economy, military, and international reputation, the Bush Administration has set its’ sights on the last vestige of government not yet completely molested; environmental policy. Now some of you may question whether or not I am being too generous with that characterization, what will Bush-backed legislation like Clear Skies and the Healthy Forest debacle and you may have a point. But the Administration has yet to foul the beaches, so their efforts on the environmental front are unfinished. To that end, the President has killed the moratorium on offshore drilling meant to protect coastlines from the hazards attendant to oil exploration and extraction.

But no worries; I am sure that is going to work out fine, especially for tourism-heavy economies like Florida, California, Virginia, etc. Really, how can this go wrong?


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