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Friday, August 01, 2008

The Pickens Plan

Follow the money. That was the edict of “Deep Throat” to Woodward and Bernstein during their Watergate investigation and that maxim holds true with just about everything in politics, doubly so when it involves a Texas oilman on the make. You see, much hay has been made of T. Boone Pickens’ plan to replace this country’s natural gas fired electricity generation with wind (commendable if not entirely practical) and use that liberated gas to power automobiles (not gonna happen) with a goal of cutting off the US’s dependence on foreign oil. In fact, he is spending tons of time and money promoting his plan via commercials and town halls meeting across the country. What Pickens does not tell you is that he is one of the single largest private holders of natural gas fields in the country as well as a significant player in the wind energy markets, not to mention sugar daddy to any number of right-wing jerkoffs like the Swiftboat vets. The guy is the ultimate insider and knows how to play any angle.

So I ask you dear readers, do you think that Pickens is pushing this plan out of altruism and patriotic concern or is this grizzled corporate raider out to make a buck? Follow the money.


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