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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Silencing of Sarah Palin

It is not by accident that the McCain campaign has Sarah Palin running from any media event that they do not control. No press conferences, no casual sit downs while traveling, hell, she won’t even allow her media pool to do anything but take pictures. And given how awful McCain’s response has been on the Wall Street bailout, can you imagine how much worse Palin must be that she has said nothing at all on the topic? That silence is deafening…

On another note though, that strategy strikes me as sexist as hell. Here is this attractive woman that the McCain camp swears is a qualified candidate of substance, hand to God and cross their collective heart. And yet, she is being straight-jacketed into stage-managed events where, if she speaks at all, it is to deliver her standard stump speech followed by a fast exit before the press can take a crack at her. That tells me the campaign has so little confidence in Palin’s ability to think on her feet that they are only willing to employ her as a pretty novelty act. If I was Sideshow Sarah, I would be pissed…


Blogger Lo said...

Yeah, we really haven't heard anything from her since her "thanks but no thanks" nonsense. I bet when she debates Biden she wears one of those earpieces so they can tell her what to say.

1:37 PM

Blogger joestrummerlives said...

And it will be Cheney on the mike.

2:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

In McCain's defense, the silencing tactic isn't limited to Palin. Now he's trying to worm out of the first of only 3 debates!

5:34 PM


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