You know - for the kids...

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

The Duhbate

For starters, the format was dumb, dumb, dumb. This no-follow up rule has to go – super lame. I would have been more interested if the two of them had a real back and forth, with follow-ups, etc. Brokaw, whom I like, seemed to hue rigidly to the time limits, rules and what not. That stifled any opportunity to have a real exchange. I was praying that Brokaw would say fuck it, let them go, and actually provided an entertaining debate. Plus, Obama would have had the opportunity to address McCain’s constant lying in a more direct manner. That would have been good too. Oh well, maybe next time.

Format aside, I thought Obama came across way better than McCain. Less angry, more positive – at points McCain sounded like an ancient crank yelling at the kids to get off his lawn, pull up their pants and turn down that damn music. The “that guy” comment came off as flippant and rude and I will bet that he pays a price for it, as well he should. Almost as bad, McCain was shuffling around the stage like he was heading to Barca-Lounger for the Lawrence Welk Show and some Metamucil, looking old, sounding old, bitching old. The visuals were just awful.

McCain may be “the maverick” but he is also an old, pugnacious, disrespectful prick. This debate probably sealed that image.


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