Noonan’s Accidental Moment of Clarity
As I said yesterday, Palin’s performance would be considered acceptable if she was able to speak in moderately coherent sentences. Peggy Noonan’s piece today is pretty typical of the conservative reaction to the debate, by which I mean insanely and effusively praising a performance that would have been judged as pedestrian by any regular standard.
She killed. She had him at "Nice to meet you. Hey, can I call you Joe?" She was the star. He was the second male lead, the good-natured best friend of the leading man. She was not petrified but peppy.
Oh please Peggy, get a grip. Palin didn’t crack up but she wasn’t crisp, spending most of the debate talking in platitudes and delivering rambling non-answers. On the points, Biden clearly ran circles around her. It wasn’t even close. But according to the Noonan’s fantasy debate, Palin is the second coming of Daniel Webster. But to Noonan’s credit, she was spot on, if by mistake, when she declared,
She [Palin] is not a person of thought but of action.
Too true. She is indeed George Bush in lipstick. Thanks for clearing that up Peggy.
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