My take on tonight’s debate
John McCain believes that Sarah Palin’s personal experience with her Down’s baby makes her an expert in autism, just like her residency in Alaska makes in her an expert in both Russia and energy policy. Ugh – so stupid.
Every time Barack Obama disagreed with McCain, McCain looked like he was ready to jump across the table and strangle Obama with his mike cord. Seriously, I felt like I was watching an anger management stress test. Obama, on the other hand was cool, calm and collected. I may be a partisan but somebody ought to issue a restraining order against McCain being anywhere near our launch codes.
As for Joe the Plumber, well that motherfucker is getting paid. If I had known that pipes could pay me a quarter million a year, I would have gone into plumbing. If he is going to pay more taxes against a salary that in one year could buy my house, fuck him. I say pay up.
McCain’s angry grouch routine coupled with the incredulous blinking was really, really off-putting and just because McCain looks nothing like George Bush, his economic plan does. But make no mistake, McCain is not George Bush – Sarah Palin is.
Deficit spending in a recession is not necessarily a bad thing, something neither candidate made clear. That said, Obama needs to better lay out which spending priorities are a must versus those which fall into the nice to have category. At times he sounded like a classic profligate liberal spender. His argument, however, would have been more compelling if Bush, McCain and the Republicans had not already spent all the money.
I would have loved Obama to lay it down and say hell yes there will be a litmus test for my Supreme Court nominees; same for McCain. Both danced around that question like they were Baryshnikov at the Met.
Watching McCain enunciate how, in his opinion, Palin was more qualified to be President than Joe Biden was, IMHO, one of the great lines of disingenuous political bullshit that I have ever seen in my life. I was physically pained watching that tortured response; really, it was something to see.
Having the GOP candidate bitch about the Democrat’s negative campaign ads was just silly. For the love of God, Karl Rove anyone? After his Swiftboating, I am sure John Kerry found that especially rich. Indeed, I believe I can hear laughter all the way from Beacon Hill. Again, fuck ‘em.
Final thoughts- Obama won it but not convincingly. He was preventing the Big Play and it showed. I would have called it a draw were it not for McCain coming off as such a cantankerous ass. Really, Obama did not win so much as McCain lost it.
Did you see the size of the growth on the side of his face? Think the big "C" might b back. As if we needed another reason to vote Obama.
6:42 AM
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