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Thursday, October 22, 2009

File under Clueless, Greedy Asshole

Via ThinkProgress, I see that T. Boone Pickens is a humonous dick.

T. Boone Pickens told Congress on Wednesday that U.S. energy companies are “entitled” to some of Iraq’s crude because of the large number of American troops that lost their lives fighting in the country and the U.S. taxpayer money spent in Iraq.


“They’re opening them (oil fields) up to other companies all over the world … We’re entitled to it,” Pickens said of Iraq’s oil. “Heck, we even lost 5,000 of our people, 65,000 injured and a trillion, five hundred billion dollars.”

OK, first off, we ostensibly invaded Iraq to free Saddam of his non-existent WMD. Now you and I know that is bullshit. The real reason of course was that Bush had some deep-seated psychological need to topple Saddam. And even with the massive bungling of the war effort, things in Iraq are on an upward trajectory. Now Pickens, greedy prick that he is, wants to turn this messy war for Iraqi liberation into an armed robbery.

Secondly, do you think that Pickens really gives a shit about the soldiers he seems to bemoan here? Fuck no, dude sees dollars signs just out of reach and wants in before all the prime cuts go to people not name T. Boone Pickens. Jesus, what an asshole...


Blogger starpower said...

People are stupid, Joe. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

12:51 PM


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