You know - for the kids...

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Oy - this is just scary

Major hat tip to MyDD for this but Jesus jumping Christ on a pogo stick. I cannot believe that this guy is our President. The money quote:

The Troglodyte in Chief actually said that his best moment in his presidency "was when I caught a 7.5 pound (3.402 kilos) perch in my lake."

If catching a fish ranks as your crowning achievement as leader of the free world, the you NEED TO AIM HIGHER. The man has a fair bit on the plate but WOW. I know things have not been going well on the foreign or domestic front. I know several members of the Republican power structure have been convicted, arrested, or have resigned under suspicion of wrong doing. But for a guy that has a history of lying, don't you think he could have spun something up a little more revelant or interesting than this? I am just saying...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you expect too much. as long as there isn't a bastardization of the english language in that sentence i'm happy. seriously.

10:25 AM


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