You know - for the kids...

Sunday, May 21, 2006

T-shirt Politics

For my birthday last summer, the lovely L. bought me this t-shirt. I loved it so much that I bought a long-sleeve version for my sister (hey P. – hope Rubes and the Little Sumo are doing well). As I have worn it over the past year, peoples’ reactions to it are a quick barometer of their political leanings. P. told me a story about the disapproving reaction she received at the grocery store in ultra-conservative Fairbanks, Alaska. I live in Norfolk, Virginia – a military town in a very red state. The first few times I was out and had the shirt on, I mostly received nasty looks and no one ever made any sign of agreement. Although the sentiment is offensive to only the most ardent of Limbaugh listeners, no one wants to get into a confrontation with a wingnut over three words. So even though I love the shirt, I always have a certain sense of trepidation when wearing it out in public. Today, it was an affirmation of my belief that Bush is, in fact, the Worst. President. Ever.

L., J., and I went to the Stockley Gardens Arts Festival today. The Arts Festival is a neighborhood art show that has been running for the past twenty-odd years, in a fairly affluent and conservative area of Norfolk. Politcally speaking, you have a healthy mix of lefty artsy types and the relatively wealthy and republican residents of the environs. A few minutes into our walk about the park, a woman walking past looked me in the eye and said “I totally agree”. For a moment, I had no idea what she was talking about until L. looked at me, smiled and said, ‘Did you hear that?”. I guess I was wearing my cluelessness on my face because she then said “Your shirt”. Oh yeah. It was first time a stranger had ever said anything positive about it. So that in and of itself was pretty cool. As we kept walking, another woman told me she loved it. A guy showing his work asked me where I got it. A Jim Webb for Senate organizer almost fell down trying to get to me when we walked by. And so it went. People were looking at the three words that say so much and were laughing rather than shooting the cold stares I had gotten used to receiving. So today at least, in my cul-de-sac of Virginia, George Bush is not a popular president.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is true that Alaska, like VA, is a red state. We too have our crazy right wing fundamentalists – most of them reside in North Pole – sorry no elves- just people spreading “Pat’s misheard words” or somebody’s anyway, as far as their radio waves will reach – their aimed at Russia if you’re interested. I don’t imagine Russia much is -

However, P's regularly worn and treasured birthday shirt, IS loved and well received by many of us here. Where we lack regular public expressions of “liberal love” such as (the much missed) Stockley Gardens Art Festival, we do have our own little bastion of sanity here in the far north. It is The Republic of Ester. There is not enough space (or sometimes plumbed homes) for us to all live in that cul-de-sac of Fairbanks but Ester allows many of us to count among their citizenry. I suspect you would find your politics well received and will enjoy theirs as well –Check them out: or

In the mean time please wear your shirt proudly and start taking your sweet boy, J, to the polls with you. Both my daughters believe that they impact the vote, because they always go to the polls. They know that legislators are supposed to be working for them.

Unexpectedly, we have a lot of access to local politicians here and my big girl (now 11) has regularly discussed matters of public concern with local legislators since moving to AK at age 3. While she and I don’t always agree on the details – sometime I will tell you about her “puppy platform” – she is a remarkably sound thinker when it comes to public policy, as more than one politician has mentioned – we are not sure this something to be proud of or frightened by- she wants to be governor someday. Here’s hoping the democratic platform wins out over the republican as she defines her ideals.

But I am beginning to think that the republicans have figured out something - our children have to be programmed early on –it is how those dynasty families are doing it, right? I have been working to get (admittedly only Democratic) voters to the polls most of my adult life. Unfortunately, Dems just don’t make it enough force to the voting booths or are not criminal enough in their political strategies to impact the numbers – I don’t know what it is – but if programming our kids and voting by apparel will increase our impact on November 2nd I am all for it! No More Bushit!


3:45 PM

Blogger joestrummerlives said...

Amen sister - frozen chosen included!

10:56 PM


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