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Saturday, May 13, 2006

Who thought that this was a good idea? - World Cup Edition

Via Steve Gilliard, I learned the FIFA has chosen Budweiser as the Official Beer of the 2006 World Cup. You know the one in Germany. That means the only beer available at any of the matches would be Bud products. This is just unbelievable. To force beer-crazy Germans to drink American beer in their own country is just nuts. First of all, the German’s don’t even think Budweiser is beer. According to Reinheitsgebot, the German Purity rules of 1516, beer must be made of four things and four things only; water, barley, yeast, and hops. Bud adds rice and, therefore, does not qualify. Second, Germany is fiercely proud and protective of its beers and brewing tradition. These people know their beer. And they regard most mass-produced American beer as watery crap. If you grow up drinking Warsteiner and Beck’s, Bud is not going to cut it. Lastly, Anheuser-Busch has had a series of copyright battles with a few European brews and is not well regarded on the continent. FIFA should have known that from the start.

Predictably, the German people rose up (always a dangerous thing) and demanded that some of their beer be served at the matches. Wisely fearing millions of pissed of Germans, Anheuser-Busch has somewhat relented and will allow Bitburger to be served as well. One would think that someone at FIFA would have clued into this a little sooner. To quote Gilliard,”FIFA goes for the money, and pisses off Germany.” That is never a smart move.


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