You know - for the kids...

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is dead

Two Air Force F-16s dispatched Zarqawi to his maker last night. Good riddance. I don't think this will have a significant impact on the insurgency as a whole but should limit the effectiveness of Al-Qaeda in Iraq for a while. Aside from offing a vicious killer, the other main benefit may be a lull in sectarian violence. Zarqawi had been focused on ramping up tensions with the Shiite population. Let's hope that his death helps avert a full blown civil war.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

since he is now officially a martyr of Islam I hope the 72 Virginians he meets in the afterlife kick his ass daily

10:49 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The media is treating this like its really going to help things and I don't think so. Its like the movie heathers, you kill one bitch and another pops right up to take its place.
Oh well, at least they aren't doing that stupid playing cards represent arab bad-guys thing anymore.

2:55 PM


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