You know - for the kids...

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

I told you she was evil

Some days your timing is off. In a post a few days ago, I was pining for the arrest and conviction of Ann Coulter for an alleged violation of voting laws. I should have waited until yesterday when the skinny (eat a sandwich would 'ya) bitch violated all sense of human decency in an effort to sell a few more books.

While on 'Today' show yesterday shilling her new tome "Godless: The Church of Liberalism", her Wingnut Gasbag Highness bashed the widows of 9/11 because they refused to swallow the Administration's happy talk about the incident and subsequent investigation and spoke out. Chris Durang has his reaction to the show as well as a full transcript over at the Huffington Post, but I would like to provide a taste of the horrible shit this poor excuse for a woman spouts.

"These self-obsessed women seem genuinely unaware that 9-11 was an attack on our nation and acted like as if the terrorist attack only happened to them. "

"These broads are millionaires, lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by griefparrazies. I have never seen people enjoying their husband's death so much."

My first response to this is, of course, fuck you Ann. You are truly a profile in civility and decorum. These women have the right to take this tragedy personally - their husbands were killed. And just because they were compensated for their loss doesn't mean that they were made whole. Indeed, I would love to have a million dollars but I am not willing to sell my wife for it. Only a black-hearted, soulless demon, like say, Ann Coulter, would seem to suggest that money and a little recognition would replace a spouse.

I guess that same compassion and tenderness has not really paid off for Ann as she is 40-something, single, and has never married. Apparently, being Ann Coulter is punishment enough.


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